Angel attended Carver College and Career academy starting in her 9th grade year. She began attending Carver because she wanted a smaller environment for her high school experience. Angel had some struggles during her middle school years, and the traditional high school setting did not work for her. She struggled with interpersonal relationships, depression, and anxiety. On top of that, in her personal life, she experienced family transitions and attachment issues. These issues contributed to her drop in attendance and lower grades. Angel continued to struggle at Carver Academy, but found that the support system at Carver helped her tremendously. When asked about the support team, Angel said, “Ms. Thompson (Carver’s CIS Site Coordinator) has always been there for me when I needed to process, cry, vent, or just someone to talk to.” She said that the staff at Carver feels like family. Angel’s goals have been related to attendance, academics, and social emotional support. Angel stated that her biggest high school accomplishment is graduating. Because of her depression, she did not really see herself finishing high school. Despite all of that, she came a long way since that first day of 9th grade. Her attendance and academic performance greatly improved and she has become a friendly, caring young lady, who is there to help others. She speaks out about her own mental health concerns in an effort to make people feel that they are not alone. Now as a 2022 Carver Academy graduate, Angel is pursuing entering the workforce – we are so thrilled for Angel, the progress that she made, and what she will do in life next!