Volunteer & In-kind Needs
While the delivery of our programming has and will continue to change, one thing has not – our students still need you to support them! Below are several ways that you can help:
Host a virtual fundraising event: Unfortunately we had to cancel a few of our special events due to the pandemic. These were important events not only to raise awareness, but also to raise money for our work. During the pandemic, a few folks have generously given their time by hosting virtual fundraising event where participants join for some kind of shared experience and contribute a donation to CIS as part of their participation.
Examples include:
Jewelry and Accessories, etc. Party: team up with a local consultant (i.e. Noonday Collection, Mary K, Color Street, etc.) with a portion of proceeds to support CIS-C. The sales can be promoted through email and Facebook, with virtual events on a video platform to invite guests to see the products!

Paint & Sip Party: host a virtual paint and wine party, taught by a local artist. Participants are guided by an artist to paint something like a door hanger or artwork for your wall. Think Wine & Design, but virtual!
Facebook Fundraiser: this is a super easy way to raise money for CIS of Chesterfield! Whether you have a birthday coming up or just want to call attention to a cause you care about, simply create a Facebook fundraiser from your personal Facebook page and select CIS of Chesterfield as the benefiting organization!
If you’re interested in supporting us in this way, please reach out to Devan Colley at [email protected]. She can provide guidance and other great examples of ways to fundraise through virtual events.
Amazon Wish List – we continue to receive and distribute amazing items from our Amazon Wish List. Thank you to all those who have already made purchases! If you would like to help fulfill the wish list, click here!
Become a Pen Pal – Letter writing has proven to be an effective way to keep in touch with students during school closures. Pen Pals can write one-time encouraging notes, or send ongoing letters to a student. To sign up, email [email protected].
Donate Gift Cards – gift cards (i.e., Wawa, Walmart, Food Lion) are an easy way to support families, especially when going through a particularly difficult time. To donate a gift card of any denomination, you may mail them to us at P.O. Box 10, Chesterfield, VA 23832 or drop them at our office M-TH between 8 – 5 pm, located at 10107 Krause Road, Suite 102, Chesterfield, VA 23832. Please call before you stop by – 804.717.9305.
Make Face Masks – while students won’t be in the school building this fall, we still want to equip them with what they need to stay safe when they are out and about. Help by sewing face masks that we can send home to our students and their families! Find details here.